Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I'm going to take the time to show you how to stop a sweating problem. A lot of people are, around the world, suffer from overactive sweating. It is estimated that 2-3% of people are experiencing it and very few actually seek active treatment. This would probably explain why the medical community doesn't really have the slightest clue on what needs to be done. There idea of a solution is surgically remove sweat glands and other dangerous methods that don't really deal with why things happen. I'm going to talk to you about this excess sweating problem people have and show you that there is hope.

Most of my adult life, I've been sweating far too much. It is probably the biggest aspect in what has made me socially awkward. When you are excessively sweating, you just give people a different vibe and it is typically a negative one. This can lead to a lot of negative experiences. I know, when it comes to my career, that I've been passed over again and again for promotions precisely because of this. The sweaty guy just looks like they lack confidence or are in now way able to deal with a pressure situation.

I got to the point where I wanted to solve this sweating problem and move onto my life. I got all the books I could find on the topic and vigorously researched for solutions. I actually found out that the way I was eating, was really aiding in raising the temperature of my body. I started to change my diet around and my sweating disappeared with it.